jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

Career related... Kind of.

The webpage that I would like to talk about is Scielo, and this is the link: http://www.scielo.cl/

Scielo is a webpage that basically is a Scientific Electronic Library Online (That is what it actually says in the web). I used to go there a lot more in my other career, because we had the ABP system there (Apredisaje basado en problema), and we used to read and need papers for every class. I don’t use it that often now, but still helps me when I'm in need of a paper. 

I like that I can look there and have a reliable source of information without going to the big libraries online (Like Medline in the health area, a database that I used a lot), but I like it especially because it has papers in Spanish (More than the rest of the databases) and you can put the page in Spanish as well.

You can search by author, subject or key words. In general is a good place to start an investigation and a good place to go back when your are lost in all the information available in english.

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