jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

The blogging experience

            I quite liked the experience with the blogging. I like this assignments a lot, and I wish that could keep doing them. (I probably will try it) because is good exercise for this class and my English in general.

            I actually have another blog already, but it’s a blog that has mostly the stories that I write, is not a personal one. This blog could become a personal one if I try hard enough (I’m not that good at keeping a journal, I never was).

This blog helped me a lot, it kept me in ‘English mode’ at least once a week, and that is actually pretty awesome. The good things about it are that you can expand on your own thoughts about several subjects in a language that is not your own, but I would love to have more days with free themes, because I didn't like to write about some of the things that I wrote, for example the web site (Something related to the career) and I would pretty much love to write about music etc. (I have to do things for my career in every other subject, so I would like to escape that in English).

lunes, 16 de junio de 2014

Chile: A country that I actually love.

Chile is the country that I was born into, while I grew up I didn’t liked it that much, I always dreamed about going away, travel the world, I still do, but I came to like it a lot. I can say with conviction that I love Chile.  

I love the weather of Chile, especially the one in the south (This one not that much), traveling around the country is beautiful like the travel that I got to tell you guys about in my last entry.

Torres del Paine.
I don’t like the inequality in the Country; I wish we could have a better way to share the money, the educations, and the health. That would improve the quality of life here a lot. That is what I would like to change, doing better public reforms, having politicians that actually care about the situation and don’t want to just stay the same. Beginning with the education, because the education is what builds a country.

Rapa Nui, Easter Island.

I have been to Argentina and Brazil. I specially loved Argentina, the true is that the country is pretty much the same as here, but don’t tell them that, because they will not like it. I love their south is stunning. I didn’t enjoy Brazil that much because of the weather, tropical weather is not my thing, Rio de Janeiro was beautiful, but the Favelas were heart breaking.

Not the same.
I’m not sure if the international community knows what a Chile is, if they are not talking about food or Mexico. Maybe they know about Pinochet, Allende, the miners… probably the earthquakes. So, pretty much the same that they think about the whole continent? For them we are the same, but we are really different.

Pretty place is pretty.
I would live in the south in between the IX and X regions, I love the weather there, the rain, the beautiful landscape and that is the place where all my family is. Still… I wish Santiago was down there, because living in ‘the big city’ of Chile has a lot of advantages. 

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Travel experiences in Chile.

Travel experiences in Chile.

I know Chile from Viña del Mar to ‘la Laguna San Rafael’ (San Rafael’s pond). In between those I have been to the ‘chiflón del diablo’, a really big copper mine near Lota, Coyhaique, Tomé, Concepción, Puerto Montt, Valparaíso and Ancud, also when I was little I spent almost all my summer time in Valdivia or Caburgüa (A nice lake). 

This one is from Ancud.

But my favourite travel around Chile was the ‘Cruce Andino’. Is not only Chile on it, but Argentina as well. You begin the experience on the X region and the travel takes place between Puerto Varas and Bariloche. You basically go from one country to the other, so… What is so awesome about that? Well, you don’t really do it on a bus as always but in between the lakes, on a boat.

On a boat~~

I went there with my brother and my mother three years ago. It took us the whole day to get to Bariloche and in the end we were exhausted, but it was worth it. Beautiful, that is the only word that I can say to describe that experience, everything was beautiful in both countries.