miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

So, is my English good or bad?

                I have always liked English; even if when I was like twelve or something, I wanted to learn ‘German’ (Instead I got two years of French… I only remember how to say ‘My name is…’ and the marseillaise, I still want to learn some German).

          I have better English that most of my friends, but I still get pretty nervous while talking it so I confuse words, but mostly the pronunciation of said words. That is my biggest problem talking English, I keep repeating ‘I’m going to say something wrong, I’m going to say something wrong’ like a mantra in my head and get even more anxious than I regularly do talking in public. I wish there was and Internet website where I could improve my pronunciation, because being afraid of saying something stupid, keeps me from saying the actual things. For example, this year, in English four everyone talks pretty well, so I feel kind of bad every time that I mess up a word while reading out loud and I make bigger mistakes because of it, something that didn’t happen in English three.

          I think that I have a good enough vocabulary; I have it because I read a lot in English (Most of the time I only use this language to read for entertainment).

         One of my biggest problems writing in English are the words that look the same but mean really different things, like thought and tough, because I know what I want to say and how it sounds, but when I’m trying to write it, I have to think about each word and how are they spelled.

         While I listen to someone talking in English, the most complicate thing is listening to slangs that I don’t know (Even if I do know a lot of them), like Australian or Canadian slangs (Because I’m more used to British and American English), especially if the dialect is a little complicate like Welsh people talking English.

In general, I really like the English language and I would love to keep improving it and, if I get the opportunity, learnt a third language as well. 

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

The best concert ever. Can I really choose?

                Well I have been to a lot of concerts: from pop to rock, from Chile to Asia, some of them were free, some of them pretty expensive, but I have loved every single one of them.


               I can’t really say if I have a favourite one musically speaking because I have enjoyed all the experiences, but there was one from a Korean pop band that came to Chile that was especially lovely because my friends from Argentina and Peru came to see the same band (We are all fans of them) and I got to see them (And if in that concert I got front row and one of the singers gave me a handshake, noone has to know... but yeah… my lovely friends from Argentina and Peru).

                I saw once ‘los jaivas’ in Puerto Montt, I was there visiting two of my friends and they got tickets for free, I think it was their anniversary (The city’s one), that same day I saw Manuel García and Bordemar as well (Bordemar is the band that does the music from ‘Tierra adentro’ or ‘La fiera’).

                Now, I have tickets for the Arctic Monkeys at the end of the year, for their concert at the Movistar Arena and tickets for the Lollapalooza next year (Both days), I’m happy.

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Good and bad points about 2014.

Well, so far the year has been relatively nice to me, a lot of things that could have gone wrong ended mostly in ‘OK’, or ‘Good’.

            Some good points have been getting to choose all my teachers, my ranking did ok last year, so this one I got all the teachers that I wanted, a bad side about that is that my friends took different ones so I’m alone in some classes (And then I get in the awkward position of being alone for group works), it’s gets a little bit lonely.

          Another good thing is that academically I have done well this semester, nice grades, nice works, some investigations; My CFG (Curso de formación general) is interesting and I just got a seven yesterday in a work about the movie Metropolis (Fritz Lang 1927), a movie that I loved. But on the bad side of that, I didn’t did well in my macroeconomics’ test, and I really love that one so, I’m still kind of gloom about it.

                A bad thing that did happen this year was that some thieves robbed my mother, they had a gun so, it was a complicate situation… but luckily nothing happened to her. On the other side, I got to celebrate my birthday at home with my friends and, just a couple of weeks ago, I went with them to Valdivia for a one day trip, it was a really nice travel.  

                Internationally I’m not so sure of how good this year has been, like… we got wars, conflicts and the ébola, It can’t be such a nice year for a big part of the world, hope that it gets better. 

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

My favourite food.

                Well I’m really picky about food; I have a habit that most of the people think is weird, I don’t like to mix different foods, the only one that I enjoy mixed is the traditional ‘Completo’ (The Italian hot-dog that we make here in Chile), but in general is like one side rice, one side meat, one side spaghetti etc.

                I have some favourite foods but, if there is something that I enjoy a lot, and I mean it, A LOT, those are potatoes.

                Obviously, my favourite form for them is fries/french fries, thin and crispy, they are kind of a guilty pleasure for me, because I supposed to be on a diet so, I shouldn’t be eating them, at least daily (Just joking, I haven’t ate them in more than a month).

                My second most loved form for them is mashed potatoes; I specially enjoy a good ‘Purée’ with a lot of milk, cream (My mother does it like that) or butter; nice, creamy and soft, with a side of pork or some kind of tasty meat.

                With the mashed potatoes, come the boiled ones. I love them, most of the time I eat them without a side food like meat or sausages etc, only with a little oil and salt, the ones from Carahue (A city near Temuco) are awesome.

                I love as well them with mayonnaise, those are called here ‘Ensalada Rusa’ (Russian salad), they have some other ingredients like carrots or coriander, but I enjoy them just with mayonnaise (The problem with mixing food).

                There is some other options like ‘Papas duquesas’ (Duchess(e) potatoes), I have some good memories attached to those but I don’t enjoy them as much as the others, or you could use the potatoes in other dishes. At the end of the day the thing is… that I love potatoes :D they are awesome!