miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Good and bad points about 2014.

Well, so far the year has been relatively nice to me, a lot of things that could have gone wrong ended mostly in ‘OK’, or ‘Good’.

            Some good points have been getting to choose all my teachers, my ranking did ok last year, so this one I got all the teachers that I wanted, a bad side about that is that my friends took different ones so I’m alone in some classes (And then I get in the awkward position of being alone for group works), it’s gets a little bit lonely.

          Another good thing is that academically I have done well this semester, nice grades, nice works, some investigations; My CFG (Curso de formación general) is interesting and I just got a seven yesterday in a work about the movie Metropolis (Fritz Lang 1927), a movie that I loved. But on the bad side of that, I didn’t did well in my macroeconomics’ test, and I really love that one so, I’m still kind of gloom about it.

                A bad thing that did happen this year was that some thieves robbed my mother, they had a gun so, it was a complicate situation… but luckily nothing happened to her. On the other side, I got to celebrate my birthday at home with my friends and, just a couple of weeks ago, I went with them to Valdivia for a one day trip, it was a really nice travel.  

                Internationally I’m not so sure of how good this year has been, like… we got wars, conflicts and the ébola, It can’t be such a nice year for a big part of the world, hope that it gets better. 

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