jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Favourite Movie... or not.

These are the leading actors.
I don't really have a 'Favourite movie' per se, I haven’t really thought about it, so I’m just going to talk about one of my favourites. The name of the movie is ‘The perks of being a Wallflower’ and is inspired in a book by Stephen Chbosky.

Is set in the 90’s even if the movie is from 2012, and some of the leading actors are Logan Lerman (Mostly know for Percy Jackson), Emma Watson (The one from Harry Potter, she is awesome in this one as well), and Ezra Miller (My favourite in the movie).

The plot is kind of complicated. The ‘Hero’ of the movie is called Charlie, and he is just a regular guy that gets into a new school, he is mostly really shy and not good with people, but gets to know two step brothers, Sam (A girl) and Patrick. They become friends, and the plot goes around their friendship and problems with the rest of their friends and people that surround them, from cheating and love to homophobic rants and being in the closet. In the end in a shocking plot twist we get some information about Charlie’s family that is kind of disturbing and explains why he is so shy. The movie is mostly about friendship and discovering yourself, facing your problems and pretty awesome music.

There is one song that is kind of important in the movie from David Bowie, they call it ‘The tunnel song’, but the name of the song is actually ‘Heroes’.

I love how the movie is made, the actors and how Charlie is kind of a really nice guy that you get to love through the whole thing. 

My favourite quote from the book and movie.

jueves, 17 de abril de 2014

Technology, and the love of my life?

Yay WoW! (I play Horde)
My favourite piece of technology is without a doubt my personal computer, grey, fine, and probably the only ‘child’ that I will have until my 30’s. Is from the Toshiba brand, an intel core i5 with a Nvidea graphic card that has 2GB, works awesome when you want to play online games and I love to play wow (World of Warcraft), so is a really good thing for me.

I got it last year, when my other computer had its last ‘breath’. I did well on the university the first term so my mother said that I deserved it or something like that, she is awesome .

Mine looks like this one.

I use it every day and for everything: Playing, doing homework, buying tickets (Santiago/Temuco/Santiago), watch series and TV, Social networks, for google map (I have an awful sense of direction/orientation), among other things; And that is exactly why I love it, because is a versatile piece of technology that helps me in a lot of ways and daily. 

It was absolutely awful the time that I endured when my last computer broke and I still didn’t had a new one, so I’m not sure what my life would be without it, but I’m sure it would be a pretty boring time for me if something happens to my baby. 

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Subjects and The Uni.

At this moment of my life I'm not quite active as I was in the summer or last year. I'm taking English, Microeconomics, Statistics, Administrative Law (Or something like that), Theory of the Sciences and Administrative Theory as subjects in the uni. I like most of them, but microeconomics is a little complicated for me, I just hope for a good grade at the end of this term on that one. 

I'm not taking any extracurricular activities right now, I should be doing it... but I couldn't get a free course or a CFG that was compatible with my schedule, so next term I will have to necessarily take one. I wanted to take French this term, but it has incompatibility with an obligatory subject. Bad luck for me :c 

If we talk about activities that are not strictly 'University' related or more like 'studies' related, I can say that I'm in a group of people that like the Asian culture, is one of the official 'groups' here but I'm not that active as a member, I just like to hang out with them, they are a lovely bunch of people and really funny to be around.

For this term I just want to pass all my classes and eventually get a good ranking so next term I can take the teachers that I want, and maybe… not a national strike in education? (Last year we got out of uni in January because of the one that we had in April or May... until September).

So, not much at this moment but waiting for something exiting to do. (And the little vacations that we are having soon because of Easter week, I'm finally going to see my family and friends ♡) (The funny part is that I'm not even Catholic).

Are you exited because of Easter Week? What are you going to do next week?

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Auto Biography


Hello, my name is Valeria and I'm 25 years old. I was born in Temuco, a city at the south of Chile in the Araucanía, on the 19th June of 1988. 

I have a brother that is 20 years old, his name is Erickson. My mother (Isabel) and my father (Erixson) are no longer together, it was kind of hard at first, but nowadays is not an issue.

I studied in two different schools for my primary education; the first one is called 'Instituto Británico', that ironically means Britannic Institute. The second one was a catholic school, is called Institute Claret, my brother also went there. It was not a completely good time for me, because I was a victim of bullying and I didn’t got along with my classmates that much.

My secondary studies were in Camilo Henríquez’s high school, which is the place where I got my best friends, so I have nice memories about that time; they are still the best people that I have meet so far in my life. Most of my friends and family are still in Temuco. Only one of them is living right now here in Santiago, but we don’t live at the same place and he got here only a couple of days ago, he is working in las condes.

I love reading, that is my favourite hobby. I love the Artemis Fowl's Saga by Eoin Colfer, they are not that popular here in Chile, but they are really nice books. I also enjoy writing, but I don’t get the time to do it as frequently that I did last year or in the summer.

I don’t have pets right now, but my room-mate got two female cats, they are called Arya and Sansa, she called them like that because of Game of thrones. I will try to put a picture of them here this night.

I miss Temuco a lot, but I also enjoy being here. I live with one of my friends and I walk every day to my apartment. My flat is on an eight floor, and so far life has been nice to me.

So, that is my life right now. Nice to meet you all, take care!  And do you have any pets?